Morphological – adult
Features include:
- medium sized species
- medium sized irregularly oval black facial spots present
- postpronotal and notopluera yellow and connected by a broad yellow band
- scutum red-brown, mesopleural stripe reaching almost to anterior npl. seta, lateral postsutural vittae present, medial postsutural vittae absent, wing with a narrow fuscous costal band that expands at the wing apex and broad fuscous anal streak, cells bc and c colourless with microtrichia in outer corner of cell c only
- abdominal terga III-V orange-brown except for a fuscous to black transverse band across anterior margin of tergum III and fuscous to black medial longitudinal band generally over all three terga but often variable
- posterior lobe of male surstylus long
- female with aculeus tip needle shaped (Drew 1989; pers. comm., Drew 2010).
Morphological – larvae
See White and Elson-Harris 1992 p. 169.
DNA barcoding
Diagnostic BOLD reference data available.
COI data
B. jarvisi JAR001 Classic morphology Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR002 Classic morphology Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR004 Abdomen variation Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR005 Postnotum variation Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR006 Classic morphology Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR007 Abdomen variation Folmers COI
B. jarvisi JAR008 Abdomen variation Folmers COI
EIF3 data
B. jarvisi JAR002 Classic specimen EIF3L
B. jarvisi JAR005 Postnotum variation EIF3L
B. jarvisi JAR006 Classic specimen EIF3L
B. jarvisi JAR007 Abdomen variation EIF3L
POP4 data
B. jarvisi JAR001 Classic morphology POP4
B. jarvisi JAR002 Classic morphology POP4
B. jarvisi JAR005 Postnotum variation POP4
B. jarvisi JAR007 Abdomen variation POP4
B. jarvisi JAR008 Abdomen variation POP4
RPA2 data
B. jarvisi JAR004 Abdomen variation RPA2
B. jarvisi JAR007 Abdomen variation RPA2
B. jarvisi JAR008 Abdomen variation RPA2
SSOSTs2 data
B. jarvisi JAR004 Abdomen variation DDOSTs2
B. jarvisi JAR007 Abdomen variation DDOSTs2
B. jarvisi JAR008 Abdomen variation DDOSTs2
BsrI: 600, 250
HinfI: 770
HhaI: 650, 180
Sau3AI: 420
SnaBI: Does not cut
SspI: 700
Vspl: Does not cut
Approximate ITS1 fragment length – gel: 820 bp.
SspI produces a diagnostic pattern.
SspI: 880, 640, 100
Additional restriction enzymes can be chosen based on relative distinctiveness from other species potentially trapped; see Restriction enzyme haplotype chart and Diagnostic restriction patterns.